

All I Want for The Holidays is A…

What is that? JetLevR200 is its name. What does it do? It It gives you the ability to fly! The JetLev200 is a type of jet pack that uses water hoses with 420 pounds of thrust to propel people 30 ft feet in the ...


New Gadgets Monitor Your Health And Fitness

Posted by Marianne Kolbasuk McGee 05/16/2012 InformationWeek/ Healthcare Smartwatches may be cool, but wearable health monitoring devices could save your life. These gadgets now run the gamut in goals, from man...


Hospital CIOs not hesitant to use consultants for IT projects

March 1, 2012 — 2:31pm ET | By Dan Bowman Hospital CIOs increasingly are using consultants to help deal with projects–such as electronic health record implementation to meet Meaningful Use requirements&#8...