Cost Savings In The News

Nasty “Over Paying” Message to AT&T Written in the Sky?

As stated many times by Todd Larsen, CEO of Limitless Technology ~ Cost Reduction Specialists, “Why do we continue to overpay for data?” a recent public announcement by the CEO of one of the largest cellular co...

VoIP Systems

What is VoIP? And is VoIP Free?

 What is VoIP? And is VoIP Free? Why should every business owner and manager understand VOIP? The short answer– because VOIP, which stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, is less expensive to use, has more fe...


Question…If a small university, 2,000 students, is looking to replace their OLD pbx, what is the very latest way to go?

The choice for a system relies on your needs, not what’s latest. Security is an easy issue to handle and not to be a concern. Network is incredibly important and a low cost redundant backup network is imp...