Bill Audit

Bill Audit Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

Start Right… Start Now! Kick Off the New Year with Plans to Review Your Vendor Contracts!

There is never a better time to perform contract reviews than the beginning of the year.  Budget planning is complete, and your team should be refreshed and returned from spending time recharging thei...

Bill Audit bill auditing Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

Are You Considering a Cost Reduction Strategy?

What is a cost reduction strategy? Cost reduction is a process used by many companies reduce overhead and expenses and increase their bottom line. The strategies can vary depending on the complexity of a com...

Bill Audit Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

What is the difference between TEM and VMS?

To answer this question, we need to understand the value that each of these services provides.  VMS is an acronym for Vendor Management Solutions.  A true fully managed VMS solution is one whe...

Billing Optimization vs Bill Audit
Bill Audit Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

Billing Optimization vs Bill Auditing

The Bill Audit is a point in time review of your past bills that will help you uncover savings from your indirect expenses. It is the process of taking a comprehensive look at the current state of an organizati...

Cost of Procrastination
Bill Audit Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

Postponing Contract Negotiations Can Cost You Money and Increase Your Organizational Risk

Contracts are a critical piece of the puzzle when managing vendor relationships. They govern the relationships between a business and its vendors, its sub-contractors, its staff and its internal auditors. Th...

Why outsource cost reduction or vendor management services?
Bill Audit Billing Optimization Cost Reduction Services Document Management vendor management solutions

Should a Company Outsource its Vendor Management?

Vendor Management organizations are being asked to do more than ever before, including oversee new services, deal with troublesome suppliers/vendors and meet ever-increasing performance goals—all of this with l...