At LIMITLESS, we are not agents or resellers of vendors services. Instead, we provide the finest vendor management, bill auditing, rate reduction, contract optimization and expense management consulting in the USA. Our experts utilize a powerful cost reduction process, delivering consistently proven results. We are proud of the trust our Client’s place with LIMITLESS…and passionate about increasing our Client’s bottom-line profitability.

Years of continuous improvement surrounds the expertise of LIMITLESS’s billing optimization and vendor management solutions, which has led to hundreds of satisfied clients. We build long-term relationships, resulting in a highly satisfied and “referenceable” client base. LIMITLESS has differentiated itself by creating a superior process management and software solutions approach… which benefit the customer most by capturing contract details, eliminating unnecessary spend and improving bottom line performance.

The benefits to an effective vendor management solution is the ability to:

• Gain the commitment of your vendors to assist and support the operations of your business
• Ensure the right contract, metrics and vendor relationship
• Optimally manage, develop and control vendor contracts
• Gain efficient delivery of contracted products and services
• Minimize potential business disruption
• Drive the most value from vendors through multi-sourcing

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A Vendor Management Solution (VMS) is a discipline that enables businesses to not only cut costs but to also control expenses, drive service excellence and mitigate risks to gain increased value from their vendors. Through our on-line software, vendor expense management is accomplished by giving you absolute visibility into your spend. Whether it is in telecom: long distance, Internet access, Wide Area Network (WAN/LAN), local services, audio conferencing or wireless, utility: water, electric, gas, or other vendors like: printing, equipment, IT services, merchant card fees – companies can have a complete view into what is coming and going into their services through a sophisticated web-based portal.

Expense management with LIMITLESS allows improved tracking of spends, inventory management, and streamlined budget processing to increase profit. A complete inventory of your contracts and billing are loaded and maintained through your portal for the purpose of base-lining when auditing an invoice. Discrepancy reports are produced so invoice errors can be tracked and all credits and refunds can be facilitated on the client’s behalf. Also, LIMITLESS will even assist with your carrier payment processing.

We would like the opportunity to meet with you at NIC.

Please complete the form below and let us know if you would like to meet at NIC to discuss your challenges in cost reduction or would like more information sent to you.


Contact us today at 866-504-4050 to learn more about our Billing Optimization, Vendor Expense Management and Consulting Solutions. Also connect with us below on our social media sites.