VMS Partner
In today’s uncertain business environment, controlling cost, mitigating risk, and managing compliance are more important than ever. These issues are common to any company that manages complex indirect expenses and vendor criticalities.
Many organizations are facing serious challenges in enterprise risk management, regulatory compliance, cybersecurity, vendor management, and other areas. And with regulators and examiners scrutinizing companies’ risk and compliance management practices more closely, it pays to be prepared.
Managing complex indirect spend and vendor documentation requires technology, tools, process, expertise, time, commitment, and resources. Limitless Technology has spent years focusing on managing complex variable expenses. Through our Billing Optimization and Vendor Management Solutions we improve our client’s bottom line.
Sources: Competitive Enterprise Institute, Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State, 2018 • Ernst & Young, Global Financial Services Third-Party Risk Management Survey, 2018 • Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), North American Pulse of Internal Audit: Defining Alignment in a Dynamic Risk Landscape, 2019 • KPMG, The Compliance Journey: Boosting the Value of Compliance in a Changing Regulatory Climate, 2017 • Opus / Ponemon Institute, Data Risk in the Third-Party Ecosystem, 2017 • Ropes & Gray / The Financial Times Group, Risky Business: Mitigating Exposure Through Comprehensive Risk Management, 2017
Clients and Markets Served
Your Vendor Management Solutions and Cost Reduction Specialists
Sometimes even companies with extensive resources can benefit from a fresh set of eyes with a different perspective. Our knowledge of best practices and experience with a variety of industries makes us a valuable partner.