We can’t help it…We see it everyday, we live with it, we even wake up to it in the morning…How could we not have deep emotional feelings for the Earth?
Limitless Technology considers itself greener than green. We use digital paperwork and contracts that make us an almost entirely paperless company (unfortunately, our artist does use paper to draw these cartoons…pretty ironic).
Not only are we green, the services we provide can make your company greener! During telecom audits, we often will eliminate energy wasting telecom products. In some situations, we may move your company’s telecom operations to The Cloud. The Cloud moves you off traditional land lines saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint. Sometimes we even eliminate phone lines that your company does not need, further reducing excess electricity and utility usage.
So you save your company money and help the Earth in the process… this is what we like to call a “win-win scenario.”