

Why use an outside external communications consultant?

Imagine walking into your workplace and never worrying about your technology again. No breakdowns no mishaps or any short term blips. Seem possible? Well maybe not now, but the future seems promising.

But what do I do now for those short terms blips? How do I know if I am using the right technology? How do I know who to really use…and for what? Can I trust the last person I spoke with? Am I paying near the correct amount?

When a product or service is not truly your forte or within the confines of your expertise why wouldn’t you consider using a consultative professional? Don’t you tell your current and prospective customers the same thing about what you or your company provides? Aren’t you in business to deliver a product or service that helps your customers do what they cannot on their own?

Right now…Every company wants to cut costs and gain an edge on the competition, without losing the quality they have become ac. These bottom-line issues are the concern of executives who want to reshape their companies to meet the challenges of the new economy. Electronic commerce, e-mail, online customer support, telecommuters, and a mobile sales force are disruptive forces driving telecommunications needs today.

Telecommunication costs are fast becoming one of the largest expenses and most complex areas to challenge management for companies today. It’s no longer just a matter of adding more telephones and trying to get the lowest rate on minutes. If the telecommunications infrastructure is not adequate to meet the escalating demand placed on it, it will be an inhibitor of a company’s growth.

Each company is faced with tremendous pressures to control expenses, and yet they are inundated with more choices of services than they’ve ever had before. Often it seems that despite many rates going down, spend rates are increasing!

– According to the Aberdeen Group, a leading IT marketing analysis firm, the average Fortune 500 Company processes more than 15,000 telecom-related bills per year and the average mid-market – approximately 3,000 a year. How many invoices do you receive? How many pages are associated with each invoice? How many charges are included on each page? Is it complex and complicated?

– Up to 85% of mid market company telecom bills are paid in full and are not audited by the organization. What effect does this have on the organization? Is there an actual experienced team in place to audit your telecom billing?

– For bills that are validated, billing analysts most often examine just a small subset of invoices associated with the largest spending. How much is being missed in the audit process? In addition to auditing, is the team that is most familiar with the charges also researching better and more efficient communication methods?

So now is the time to use an expert that can help you muddle through the quagmire of offerings, and complexities of solutions…while keeping your bottom line top of mind.

Remember…”An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgements simpler through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore.”

Visit us at for more assistance.

Because…One short meeting could change the way you do business forever.