Vendor management is a repeatable, effective method for developing and monitoring third-party providers of goods and services. It is also a way to derive as much VALUE as possible from contracts and build mutua...
Business Leader’s IT decisions have a larger financial impact than they may know. “Through 2019, EVERY dollar invested in innovation across a business will require an additional $7 in IT execution, which SVM le...
Management is asking for DOCS – ASAP!!! Important Agreement signed last week. You ask yourself … “Where is that Contract – I know it’s in HERE somewhere I just saw it last week. I know it was filed …...
Cost Creep. Has this HAPPENED to YOU? Your company starts to grow, and you need more technology to keep up with additional staff, customers and to help improve process. You are aware of the efficiencies and cos...
4 Significant Reasons Why Your Business Should Focus on Vendor Management Having vendors or third-party service providers is a necessary part of your business in order to operate and provide the services and/or...
Why are Benchmarks Important? Benchmarking is a common business practice and sensible exercise to establish baselines, define best practices, identify improvement opportunities (contract rates and terms) and c...