

Threat of Increasing Telecommunication Costs

Our clients are thrilled when we significantly reduce their telecommunications expenses –

finally bringing accuracy and order to their complicated telecom expenses and networks. Watch video to see how this is done…

Did you know that U.S. businesses waste over 38 billion dollars a year in lost telecom expense due to telephone company errors?

Since 2006, LT~CRS has successfully performed shared savings based telecom bill audit, optimization, and management services for companies across many industries, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Here are some facts:
• 80% of Business Telecom Invoices have billing errors (Gartner Group)
• U.S. Businesses have $13 Billion/year in Telecom Billing Over-Charges. (Gartner Group) Only 2% is ever recovered!
• U.S. businesses waste over $38 billion a year…mostly due to telephone company errors (Aberdeen).
• Up to 85% of mid-market company telecom bills are paid in full and are not audited by the organization.
• When an audit is conducted, billing analysts most often examine just a small subset of invoices associated with the largest spending leaving hundreds, thousands, even millions of dollars unfound in other telecom spend areas.

LT~CRS looks into every aspect of your telecom billing, assuring that you save as much money as possible.

After a comprehensive audit from LT~CRS, the next stage in the process is contract management. Contract management works in tandem with our audit process. We continue to work with your carriers on a needs basis to negotiate rates on your company’s telecommunication current growth or expansion states. We deliver your company’s go-forward contracts acquiring the best rates and services for your companies continued prosperity.

Contact us today at 866-504-4050 to speak with us about engaging in a telecom billing optimization.