So this December is going to be tough on the energy bill. We all know that lighting your house up like the Vegas Strip costs an arm, a leg, and some other things you’d rather not lose as well. So the experts at Limitless Technology CRS have come up with some simple solutions to save you money during the year, so you can splurge a little during the holiday season. Here is a list of the simplest money savers we could find.
1. Wrap your water heater in an insulation jacket- During the holidays we all get chilly, and your water heater is no exception. Any water heater model older than a 2004 loses energy through heat escaping its shell. If you wrap the water heater in insulation, the energy will be trapped and you will save about 30 dollars per year.
2. Use weather strips- Just like heat escapes your water heater, it also escapes your house. Your house has many nooks and crannies in which heat escapes. One of the biggest problems is heat walks right out your front door, or maybe it creeps under it. Usually people use weather strips up north in extremely cold weather, but even in Florida, weather strips can save you 30 dollars per year. They even can keep your air conditioning in your house in the hot summer months!
3. Tune your furnace- Every few years, you should get your furnace checked by a professional. It will impact your bill in a small way, reducing it only about 10%. However, it also is a big help to your carbon emissions. When your furnace is tuned, it emits about 1,250lbs LESS carbon than an untuned furnace. Talk about taking a few sizes off your carbon footprint.
All of these solutions save you money, but looking at a bigger picture they also help conserve our environment. People often think that being green means changing all your appliances and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. Actually, little changes can make the biggest differences. Every penny you save on your heating and electricity equates to a more energy efficient and less polluting environment. So this holiday season give Mother Nature and your wallet the best gift you can give, a little extra effort to make some small house improvements.