US Based Executives ‘question business value’ of tech spend. Recently I was exposed to a survey taken by multiple senior finance executives regarding their opinions and facts surrounding the cost of...
CRAMMING IS ILLEGAL – and reprimand-able with full recovery of false charges in some cases. “Cramming”: Is when monthly charges pop up on your telephone bill for services that you never approv...
Many of us do not take interest in headphones. If we want to listen to music off our MP3 or iPad/iPhone we simply pull out the little jewelry box-like container that our phone came in and pull out the little pa...
Bill Review Billing Optimization Consulting Cost saving strategies Telecom auditing Telecommunication Audit Uncategorized
Personal Tip to Save # 1: When you pay for Apps or Ringtones to your phone, make sure it is one solid fee and not a fee plus a charge every month. The telecommunications industry’s goal is not to target y...