Utilizing benchmark analytics, superior processes, and proprietary cloud-based technology, our specialists reduce costs, improve efficiencies and mitigate risks over and above most company's internal resources.
Managing complex indirect spend and vendor documentation requires technology, tools, process, expertise, time, commitment, and resources. It’s not easy. It takes a team of people who know where to look and what to look for…
Limitless Technology has spent years mastering the management of complex variable expenses. Through our Billing Optimization and Vendor Management Solutions we manage critical documentation and compliance, mitigate risks, and improve our client’s bottom-line.
Our Services
Technology and Services that Reduce Costs, Improve Efficiencies & Mitigate Risks
VMS Document Management
An independent 3rd party will help you mitigate the risks related to the management of complex and critical vendor documentation.
Billing Optimization Services
We will audit your past billings to uncover all unnecessary charges or services. We correct over-charge errors and negotiate better rates and terms.
Billing Optimization Plus
Combine the power of our VMS-DM platform with our proven Billing Optimization services and see even more value and cost reduction savings.
VMS Platinum Services
Providing the technology, tools, process, expertise, time, commitment, and resources to fully manage complex indirect spend and vendor documentation.
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Service Comparison
Over the years, we have found having a single 3rd party point of contact, that focuses on Vendor Document Management and Billing Optimization is the best way to optimize your complex indirect expenses and manage vendor documentation. We have created 4 different business models, allowing you to choose the option that fits your organization the best.
Why do you need a VMS Solution?

3rd part Vendor Management Solutions help you mitigate risks related to the management of complex and critical vendor documentation. By utilizing this service, you gain increased visibility to your critical documents, contracts, certifications, and licenses, resulting in operational excellence, and lower overall risk to your business.
Clients and Markets Served
Your Vendor Management Solutions and Cost Reduction Specialists
Sometimes even companies with extensive resources can benefit from a fresh set of eyes with a different perspective. Our knowledge of best practices and experience with a variety of industries makes us a valuable partner.
Case studies
See How Vendor Management Solutions Has Helped These Companies
Our Process
Consulting Services ~ Your Cost Reduction Solutions Partner
After discussing the current state of your vendor management process, we perform a deep-dive investigation of your current vendors, services, and processes, uncovering all necessary information to appropriately evaluate your strategy. We then analyze, evaluate and assess the situation looking for gaps, ineffective procedures, or broken processes, and work with you to implement a continuous improvement solution.
Discover how Vendor Management Solutions can help your company’s bottom line. Discover now
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Billing Optimization Help My Business?
Billing Optimization is a one-time examination of current and past invoices to identify all unnecessary charges, while at the same time correcting any overcharged billing errors. We ensure you are refunded any money your company has been unfairly charged for months or even years. It prevents your business from becoming non-compliant with critical processes and procedures, unaware of critical vendor risks, unable to easily access necessary documentation, crippled by poor contractual T’s and C’s, or overpaying for goods and services. More Info >>
Why Should I Outsource Vendor Management?
All too often we have seen that in-house staffing does not have the time, expertise, or resources to devote to properly negotiate with vendors for the best service. In many cases, resources are not available due to time restraints. They are responsible for auditing billing, renewing contracts, following up on used and unused equipment, document management, and other responsibilities. Unfortunately, when overlooked it could cause increased compliance risk and cost the organization thousands in overpayments to vendors. More Info >>
What Does VMS-DM consider a “document”?
Our system was developed to house all of your vendor criticalities in one central location. It includes invoices, agreements, warranties, contracts, and all other documents associated with the vendor or supplier. We work with our clients on the selection process so they can choose to manage only certain vendors in the system. Our experts will provide the best solution to meet your needs and communicate with you what solutions will result in the best outcome to mitigate your vendor risks and improve your bottom line. More Info >>
How much can I save using the VMS Platinum Fully Managed Service?
We save our clients on average 9% – 30% and we have never failed to find our client savings. Every organization will have varying results depending on the number of vendors, services per vendor, contractual relationships, agreement terms, invoice errors recovered, credits recovered, contract negotiation results, equipment audits, and services audit performed.
Want to estimate your savings? Use our savings calculator and get a FREE ESTIMATE.
Visit our FAQ page for more information. Limitless Technology FAQs
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“It is my pleasure to relay to you the value that Limitless has provided to Koelsch Communities not only in…”
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“Working with Limitless has been a pleasure. Big kudos to Pam Feirick and Cindy Larsen for the outstanding …”
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“Plum Healthcare Group, LLC was approached by Limitless at the NIC conference in 2013 …”
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“It was noted by Partners Federal Credit Union that an audit of all various telecom accounts had not been …”
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“Brightwater Senior Living engaged with LT-CRS in early 2016 to review our utility, wireless phone…”
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“Limitless Technology professionals simplified the process. We were extremely pleased with the …”
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